About Us
Meowdy, there! Thanks for stopping by our sticker and stationery shop for cat lovers!
I'm Rachel, the main human behind Cat Lady Alley, where all artwork and designs are created by either me or my hubby Ross.

Of course, the true stars behind Cat Lady Alley are our four current cats: Dexter, Olive, Sophie and Woodrow. (RIP, Harley)

Want to know a little more?
I originally started Cat Lady Alley as a blog for cat lovers back in 2016. It's now morphed into my little shop (aka my passion project), but you can still find me blogging occasionally here. I will mostly focus on my experience as a small business owner with Cat Lady Alley.
My original blog, where I'm still very much active, is called Three Chatty Cats, where I mostly share about daily life with my cats. But I also write about general topics that would interest cat parents.
I’ve been a cat mom for over 13 years now. And during that time, my cats inspired me to foster cats and kittens, volunteer with various organizations, and start two cat blogs! And of course design stickers and stationery here at Cat Lady Alley.
My husband Ross and I currently share our home with four cats (and one dog).
Thanks again for stopping by. And happy shopping!




Harley (RIP)

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